So, December has been less than productive. November was the Shiz, I smashed seven chapters of book two, but, shift work and the exhaustion of pre Christmas events has led to a slow writing month. You know what though? I am ok with that.
Its impossible to sustain firing on all cylinders constantly, you will break and then not be able to do anything. So a slower paced month is fitting for the end of the year. I will build up the energy in January and be back on track, I’m hoping to have the first draft of book two “A Song in the Storm” finished by the end of March, I like setting goals and I’m learning which goals are achievable and which are unreasonable. Once the first draft of book two is done its on to the next draft of “A fire in the night” lots to do, plenty to look forward to and much much more to learn, I will try and write a bit more often on here, and throw a couple of shorts your way. I have many many ideas for that.
For now I wanted to wish a Merry Christmas to everyone.
May you receive the gift of worlds, warm words shared with loved ones and a glimpse of the impossible.