Hi there, welcome to my website, where, I will post regular short stories and blog my progress as I finish writing and editing my first novel “A fire in the night”. A fantasy novel and the first in a planned series of six, based, in what I plan to be, an expanding fantasy world.
I guess I better introduce myself while getting to grips with WordPress and blogging.
My name is John, I have been a lover of Science Fiction and Fantasy all my life, I’ve dabbled with writing before but now seems to be the best time for me to start finishing what I start. I have a short story being published later in 2021 but I will share more about that nearer the time, when I am allowed. I live in London, U.K., and work as a Video editor for Daytime TV.
I will share more about myself and what I’m up to etc as the days, weeks, months and years progress, for now welcome to my site and I hope you enjoy what I post.
#amwriting #writingcommunity #writingfantasy